Thursday, June 25, 2009

Beach Bums

I'm seriously considering this career change---to become a beach bum!
Today we were at the beach all day! WE went to a hotel and had a few poolside drinks, joined in on a few pool activities and back to the beach.We shopped some more, dinner and more shopping. LOL. We did have a wine tasting today...bought a few bottles for home. great winery, yummy wine!
Fun day. I am super duper tired. The most exciting part of the day was seeing a baby shark that was caught near where we were swimming!!!! Mel was bit by a crab, thats as bad as Lisa, Dee and David swimming into a stingray!!!!!!! CrAzY!!!!! Fun day. I'm tired so this is going to be short. Nite nite. Tomorrow is the last "full day". Beach again. Can't get enough.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

A little bit of everything

This morning the kids and their daddies went fishing on the pier. It was an amazing experience. They say a school of dolphins, stingrays and a few jellyfish! Nascar Speedway here we come! The kids wanted to ride the go carts so that what we did! ALL DAY! t was blazin' hot but the kids had a blast! We stopped for Mexican food (withdrawals were happening). The we stopped at a huge beachwear store for some shoippping and went home. Lilo and I went looking for crabs again. We found one! And a shrimp. LOL...little bugger, they are fast!!! It was a great day!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Let's go Shooopppinggg!!

Today Jr went home...back to work. We went shopping. We shopped all day, swam, shopped, kinda just hung out. I bought the cutest purse!! We picked up dinner and hung low. It was a recovery day. We had pedicures. We did take the kids to "Main Street". Arielle and Briyanna got their hair wrapped. We did a little shopping down there. It was a great day. We took the kids for a night walk on the beach looking for crabs. We found a bunch!! The kids were so excited!!! What an experience!

Monday, June 22, 2009

Good times

Today we woke up and went to the water park. The kids are fish, I swear.
They LOVE the water. We headed out and spent the day there. That night, the guys went to the bar on the pier for Jr's lat nite and the girls headed out to the beach for a moonlit walk. It was A BLAST! Moms go Wild. Hahahaha...sitting in the ocean fully clothed...Tiffany and good times! We ended up jumping the fence and into the pool at 3 am after the ocean!!! It was by far the best nite we had here!!!!!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day!

Happy Father's Day to all the dads!!! The beach in MB is amazing...warm waters, tons of seashells, soft sand...unbelievable sights. It is great. We had a great time chilling in the waters while the men went fishing on a private charter for father's day. This was Lilo's 1st father's day without his dad so that was a little tough. I wanted to have something planned to keep his mind off things. That evening, we went to a seafood calabash named Crabby Mike's was great. Fresh seafood. yum! We hung out for a bit plotting the rest of the week. It was great. The night ended with a great walk on the beach with zero light, just the lights from the hotels, the stars, and the moon.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Happy 8th Birthday Arielle!!!!!

Happy Birthday my Arielle! We we were exhausted from the drive, we knocked out at 7 pm. Arielle was so excited all night she didn't go to bed until 1 am....we got up at 2 am to open I decorated th hotel room and she gets to celebrate her birthday in two states!!! West Virginia and South Carolina! We left West Virgina at 4 am and off to Myrtle Beach with the church We met at the gas station and drove to MB. I made signs for the cars (and bus) that read, "Myrtle Beach or Bust!". It was too funny!!!! When we arrived in MB, Arielle had a yummy chocoalte cake and rainbow cupcakes. We decorated and had a small party with her cousins. She glowed! It was a wonderful birthday for my wonderful daughter!!

Friday, June 19, 2009

On the road...

So we made it to West Virgina!!! Yippppeeeeeee! Small town to waste time before check-in...swimming tonight...coon pizza lol....
Getting ready for Arielley's 8th Birthday in the morning!!!!!
A few drinks by the pool and allowing my eyelashes to hug each other!!!!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Road Trip!

So tonight is the night...driving to West Virginia and onto Myrtle
Beach!!!! So much to do. Tani picked up Diesel. I feel so sad!!!
Sad to leave my Diesel and my fat cat!! Well for now, packing and loading up the car!!!! Leaving @ 4am!

Almost time...

I just love how some people feel the need to inform me of things I give two cares about. I feel really special knowing that people have to go out of their way to try and get to me. Unreal. Seriously, grow up.

Well I leave for Myrtle Beach in the am! I still have packing and cleaning to do. The kids are SO excited. They are going to have a blast! I am going to miss my fat cat and Diesel. The cat knows we're leaving. I'm so sad. Diesel has no idea. I'm gonna miss that little shit. He is a-d-o-r-a-b-l-e! What a lover! Or should I say licker? LOL!

Well back to work. Lots to get done! Won't be back to work until June 30th!! Yippppeeeeeeee!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Myrtle Beach or BUST!

So four days until Myrtle Beach! The kids are SO excited. I still need to pack! This will be the first trip since Diesel. He is doing so well so I'm a little worried! Pack, shop, clean, ugh. I so cannot wait to sit on the beach and soak up the sun! Chicago summer has been terrible! Vitamin D deficit!

So back to work for now. Excitement of vacation will kick in...for now, motivation!